Heaven and Earth

[ Hzgg 3 - Episode 36 ]

[Date aired] March 16th, 2005 (Wednesday)

Woargh.. so tired and sleepy, sorry to make this episode very short one… Hehe… of course, no more Xiao Yan Zi-Yong Qi scenes… me so bias, too many Zi Wei-Er Kang-Musha scenes in this episode… Wargh… cannot stand meh, rather write about Zhi Hua somehow… *hides behind my kai xin guo* oh my gosh, 4 more episode left!!!

By the way, I spent 10 minutes after 8 pm watching Yong Qi tonguing [Is that even a word?! Seriously, MWord didn’t underline the word somehow! ] Xiao Yan Zi [Episode 27]. No I’m no dirty minded, just that I love the way he kissed her so passionately… *Fans herself before melting…*

Today’s episode of Tian Shang Ren Jian, episode 36 started with…

Er Kang waking up, shouting at the witchdoctor to stop calling his soul back. The physician congratulated Musha because Tian Ma [Aka Er Kang] only suffered minor injuries though he fell from such a high place [How logical is that…], even his hands and legs didn’t break, saying God must have protected him. Musha said she almost lost her patient, having to take care and worried about Tian Ma all the time, blah. Er Kang said he dreamt of Zi Wei coming, he became a bird, tried to stop Zi Wei from coming, he didn’t want Zi Wei to see him in such condition, becoming someone else’s groom. So Er Kang went the witchdoctor, asking him whether he can send out his soul because he could call Er Kang’s soul back each time he passed out. He wanted the witchdoctor to change him to a butterfly or a bird but the witchdoctor said he’d never done it before. Er Kang was mad and kicked the witchdoctor out, asking him to stop calling his soul back.

Somewhere in Burma, in a small house, Zi Wei, Qing Er and Xiao Yan Zi were dressing up in new Burmese costumes. Later Xiao Jian came and introduced his friends, Gao, Chun and Ling to the youngsters. Xiao Jian said the Burmese people will think of them as business people from china, selling cheap yet high quality stuff. He said from there to San Jing city is still far, so they have to be careful. Xiao Jian went to tell Zi Wei, they’ve to move fast and reach San Jing before July 15th because the Deng Huo [Festival of Light] will be held that night and Princess Musha will be marrying Tian Ma that night. Zi Wei was shocked. Qing Er said it’s impossible because Er Kang will never betray Zi Wei since he loves her so much, Xiao Yan Zi also agreed with Qing Er. Yong Qi wondered what Er Kang had been doing for the past 7 months and said Er Kang must be weak since he was sick. Zi Wei said she believed it’s Er Kang, she believes he loves her always no matter what. Zi Wei told them how she dreamt of Er Kang being in such horrible condition and asked Er Kang to marry the princess to save himself. Maybe Er Kang had to marry the princess just like Yong Qi.

Zi Wei continued, saying Er Kang is still Dong Er’s father no matter what and he’s still HER Er Kang. Fu Lun asked what if Er Kang really felt for the princess. Zi Wei said she’ll just let it be as long as Er Kang still lives, it doesn’t matter whether he’s someone else’s husband, he’s still Dong Er’s father and still her Er Kang. Xiao Jian said it could be not Er Kang at all, saying they have to investigate carefully. He said on the Deng Huo night, they’ll pretend as Burmese people and look for Er Kang, if Tian Ma is not Er Kang they’ll gather back at the inn. If it’s Er Kang, it doesn’t matter whether he’s a groom or he really loves the princess, they’ll save Er Kang. Yong Qi told the girls not to come along but Zi Wei said she wanted to tag along. Yong Qi can take care of Xiao Yan Zi, Xiao Jian will go after Qing Er and Zi Wei asked them to send 2 people after her.

At the palace in San Jing, Musha was getting ready in her lovely costumes while Er Kang looked so pale and tired. He lied on the bed and later went to Musha, saying they still have a chance to end the tragedy. Er kang said he just couldn’t do it and Musha said Er Kang’s horrible, didn’t even thank her after saving him and he has to marry her, after their marriage, she’ll ignore him. Er Kang said she’s a princess, why want a fail marriage “Look at you, you don’t even like me, you hate me yet you still want the wedding to go on because you’re angry at me!” Musha asked Er Kang not to talk anymore because it’s too late but Er Kang protested, lied on the bed. Musha asked for the guards to come in and threatened to kill him but of course, Er Kang didn’t care, taking a knife and slashed his own face. He said Musha couldn’t marry him now because his face is ruined. The maids went to call for the physician…

Outside the palace, Burmese people gathered to celebrate their princess’ wedding and also the Deng Huo festival. People in colorful costumes were dancing and the Burmese people, holding candles watched the performance. The youngsters and Fu Lun arrived at the place and Zi Wei was nervous. She was scared and hoped that Tian Ma is indeed Er Kang. One of Xiao Jian people said he’d bribed one of the palace’s guard, he said the guard told him that Tian Ma fell sick and the wedding had to be postponed for a few moments…

In the palace, Meng Bai was scolding Er Kang before he ‘kicked’ Er Kang’s butt real hard, punching and sending him to the floor. Musha then asked all of them to leave, she wanted to talk to Er Kang. Musha didn’t understand why Er Kang didn’t want to give up. After 7 months, he still think of Zi Wei. After much talking, Musha decided to give in and gave Er Kang a few packets of Ying Zhu Fen and some money, guiding Er Kang to the back door of the palace. There, Er Kang and her bid farewell, Er Kang wished Musha to find a guy who’ll love her like he loves Zi Wei someday.

Outside, Musha and Meng Bai finally came out and the youngsters were dead shocked when Musha announced Tian Ma had died a couple of hours ago because he was sick. But she said the celebration must go on and they shall ‘send’ Tian Ma’s soul away peacefully. Zi Wei was shocked and looked as if she’d lost her mind. The youngsters made their way down the street, Zi Wei suddenly was gone, making Qing Er, Xiao Yan Zi and Yong Qi, including Fu Lun began searching for her frantically. Xiao Jian had gone to look for infos from the palace guards. While walking down the street, Er Kang who’d joined the crowd saw Zi Wei and began running toward her but alas he fell. Zi Wei heard Er Kang’s voice and didn’t see any sign of him. Later one of Xiao Jian’s men found Zi Wei and told her Xiao Jian had asked them to return to inn. Meanwhile Er Kang thought he was hallucinating again since he’d gone through it before in the jail.

Back at the inn, Zi Wei was upset and the girls tried to console her but to no avail. Xiao Jian said he’d bribed a guard and found out no funeral was held in the palace. He said Tian Ma is such a stubborn person, he was tortured badly by Meng Bai because he refused to marry Musha and he’d ran away from the palace. Yong QI said it looks like Er Kang’s attitude. Xiao Jian later handed a piece of paper, with a poem written of it. Zi Wei recognized the writing as Er Kang’s and the poem as his favourite poem. Xiao Yan Zi blamed Yong Qi for being so careless, causing them all to grieve over Er Kang’s ‘death’ but Er Kang defended himself saying Musha was the one who tricked all of them. Qing Er asked Zi Wei not to be sad anymore and they’ll go find Er Kang.

End of episode 36…


Not much to say about this episode, it’s DAMN short because I just hate it… Forgive me for being so bias. Anyways… Will try replying to the emails now! Wargh…


[Copyright © Leia – 2005]

Xiao Yan Zi + 12:31 PM + Wednesday, June 25, 2008 +

X i a o Y a n Z i

The name is Leia Xiao Yan Zi. Other nicks include Leiahzgg, Evergreen & Leialyssa. She's 21 years old and currently resides somewhere in Malaysia.

Loves include Hzgg 1 & 2, YQ ♥ XYZ, sleeping & etc. She can be seen lurking in the net world using nicks such as Leia, Leialyssa, Leiahzgg, Evergreen, Xiao Yan Zi & Huanzhugege

If there's anything, she can be reached at Huan Zhu Gege and during her free time, she writes Hzgg: Heaven & Earth

D i s c l a i m e r

Hzgg 1, Hzgg 2 & Hzgg 3, plus its characters & songs all belong to Qiong Yao. I, Leia merely write the summaries of Hzgg 3 because I had no life. However, for my hard work, I'd really appreciate if you don't copy/paste anything to anywhere. Just link back will do. Thanks =)

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H z g g 3 E p i - S u m

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 40

Unless stated up there, episodes that are not mentioned in the links are unavailable. Volunteers or anyone who have seen the eppies not stated up there are welcome to send me the summaries =) You will be credited!

H z g g S o n g L y r i c s

Zhi Yau You Ni
Tian Shang Ren Jian
Nai He
Zai Zhe Li Bie De Shi Hou

R a n t s O n H z g g

Steal & Die
x Opening 1-20
x First Post xD

H z g g P i c s

Coming soon!

R o y a l S c r o l l

B e i j i n g C i t y

» My Hzgg Fanfic
» Hzgg with English Subs!!! (OMFG)
» Hzgg 1 & 2 Songs + Hzgg 3 Songs
» Forever Hzgg Shrine
» Hzgg 1 & 2: Official Website
» Hzgg 3: Official Website
» Realofme's Hzgg MVs
» AvOdyssey's Hzgg 1/2 Episode Excerpts
» Hzgg 1-3 Episodes (Mandarin subs)
» Hzgg 3: TVB Website
» Av-Odyssey.net
» Roses of Yesterday - Huan Zhu Ge Ge Site

X i e X i e N i

Webmistress, PSP X & Photobuckets

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C o p y r i g h t

Everything in here belongs to me! Steal and your ass will be kicked real bad by Yong Qi. I'm warning ya... Wanna borrow, ask for my permission first.

♥ Copyright © Leiahzgg + 2005-2008 ♥

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+ Hzgg & Its characters belong to Qiang Yao + Copyright © Leia Xiao Yan Zi - 2005-2008 + Steal and you shall die in the most horrible way +