Heaven and Earth

[ Hzgg 3 - Episode 3 ]

[Date aired] January 25th, 2005 (Tuesday)

The episode started off with Xiao Yan Zi leaving Zi Wei and went back to Jing Yang Gong. Yong Qi trailed behind her asking her what she was looking for. She found her whip and then looked for her Jian Pai, the Golden Seal Huangshang gave to her years ago. After finding the stuff she wanted, they both ran back to the field and joined the others. So their journey to the southern China begins. But before Xiao Yan Zi went up to the carriage, Lao Fo Ye commented how they [The elderly] have to wait for her instead. Huangshang answered back that people need some time to change.

In the carriage, Huangshang asked Xiao Yan Zi, Zi Wei and Qing Er to sing for him and Lao Fo Ye. A couple of days later, a magistrate from San Dong named Fong [I think it's supposed to be Fang ] came to greet them in the middle of the road. He then lead them to the city of San Dong where the villagers were on the ground, wishing for Huangshang and Lao Fo Ye’s long lives. A commoner mistaken as an assassin ran out of nowhere and went to Huangshang’s carriage. Magistrate Fong quickly asked his men to protect Huangshang and this resulted in the death of the innocent commoner, he had his head chopped of in front of the Royal Family. The commoner was trying to hand a piece of paper to Huangshang. Mad by the shocking incident, Xiao Yan Zi went to teach Fong’s men a lesson. Yong Qi, Er Kang and Xiao Jian joined in and kicked the men's asses. Fong then pleaded Huangshang to forgive him.

At their inn, Huangshang and the youngsters were dumbfounded by the piece of paper. They figured that the innocent commoner was not an assassin since he didn’t have any martial art skills and was easily killed by Fong’s man. It turned out to be a piece of empty paper. Zi Wei figured that maybe some kind of chemical was used to hide the writings so suggested maybe toasting it on fire or drenching it in water will help them see the writings. Xiao Yan Zi offered to do it but Yong Qi quickly took the paper from her, telling her that she’ll burn the paper completely if she does it by herself. So after toasting and drenching the paper, still there was nothing on the paper. They figured that something was not right and Huangshang dismissed them, telling they’ll investigate into this matter. Huangshang told Zi Wei that he will be visiting her mother’s grave the next day, saying that it’s impossible for them to move her grave to the place where they bury the royal family members. Zi Wei happily said that it doesn’t matter and hugged him.

The next day, Huangshang went to Xia Yu He’s grave like he promised to Zi Wei the night before. Zi Wei told her mother how she missed her and Er Kang stepped forward, introducing himself to Xia Yu He, promising to take care and love Zi Wei for the rest of his life. Xiao Yan Zi quickly glared at Yong Qi, telling him that he never said such a thing to her. . So Yong Qi told her that his love for her was eternal but Xiao Yan Zi answered back, telling him he was just copying Er Kang. Yong Qi didn’t know what to say and Xiao Jian used the moment to hint Qing Er about their relationship. Qing Er’s answer shocked him as she said love doesn’t last forever and so can’t promise to love eternal, something like that…

There were monks praying at the burial site, Xia Yu He’s grave was rebuilt, I guess it was better than before. Then one of the monks stepped forward, telling how Huangshang used lots of food to pray for Yu He but his own subjects were starving to death. Huangshang was shocked to hear this at first but Fong asked his men to capture the guy. Fu Lun upon hearing this told Huangshang that they already helped the villagers the year before by giving money and food because of long period of drought. Huangshang was confused why villagers are dying. On their way back from the graveside, they saw a group of poor people clad in torn clothing digging at the hillside. ZI Wei went to a mother and daughter, asking what she was doing. The mother was digging for white sand, it was said to be edible. Xiao Yan Zi was shocked and quickly threw the basket filled with white sand away and other people started collecting it. The mother was angry at Xiao Yan Zi, asking her what her daughter will eat that night. Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei looked at each other before offering Man Tao [Some kind of bun?] they brought in their carriages. All of them began distributing the buns to everybody there and more and more people were pouring out of nowhere, fighting to get some food. Huangshang was very shocked by the scene before him that his hands shook terribly.

Later they went back to their place and they were sitting at a round table. Servants began serving them with various types of food and drinks. Yong Qi and Er Kang weren’t there. Lao Fo Ye asked them to start eating but Huangshang, Xiao Yan Zi, ZI Wei and Qing Er didn’t have the appetite to eat. Oblivious of the real matter, Lao Fo Ye advised Zi Wei not to be sad about her mother since they just got back from Yu he’s grave. Later, Er Kang and Yong Qi came and told Huangshang they had investigated and brought some people along. Huangshang broke the news to Lao Fo Ye and asked the people to come in. A group of poor people knelt down before Huangshang and the Royal Family, asking to feed them since they were starving to death. Eyeing the food on the table, the hungry people leapt forward and began fighting for the food. Lao Fo Ye and the rest were shocked. They later found out Magistrate Fong had ran away and Xiao Yan Zi as usual ran out to go catch him. Yong Qi and Er Kang, together with Xiao Jian followed her.

Magistrate Fong was on the run, riding on his horse followed by his loyal men. Xiao Yan Zi and the guys caught up on him and began fighting with Fong’s men. Xiao Yan Zi used her whip to kick the bad guys’ asses. Yong Qi went to help his wife; it was kinda exciting seeing they teamed up against the bad guys. Xiao Jian went to catch Magistrate Fong and fought with him. Fong even offered him wealth if he joins Fong. Xiao Jian continued fighting with him. Yong Qi on the other hand saved Xiao Yan Zi from a bunch of guys circling them. One of the guy knelt down before him, telling him that Fong will kill them all since he has some kind of documents about them. Yong Qi told him that only the emperor has the power to do so…

End of Episode 3…

[Ranting Time…]

Well, the only thing I like in this episode is the scene where Xiao Yan Zi nonchalantly asked Yong Qi that he never said such a thing to her when they heard Er Kang promising Xia Yu He that he would care and love Zi Wei for eternity. Yong Qi’s look that time was priceless!

This episode focused more on the villagers so it wasn’t quiet fun… Let’s wait for the next episode, shall we?


[Copyright © Leia - 2006]

Xiao Yan Zi + 9:49 AM + Thursday, June 22, 2006 +

X i a o Y a n Z i

The name is Leia Xiao Yan Zi. Other nicks include Leiahzgg, Evergreen & Leialyssa. She's 21 years old and currently resides somewhere in Malaysia.

Loves include Hzgg 1 & 2, YQ ♥ XYZ, sleeping & etc. She can be seen lurking in the net world using nicks such as Leia, Leialyssa, Leiahzgg, Evergreen, Xiao Yan Zi & Huanzhugege

If there's anything, she can be reached at Huan Zhu Gege and during her free time, she writes Hzgg: Heaven & Earth

D i s c l a i m e r

Hzgg 1, Hzgg 2 & Hzgg 3, plus its characters & songs all belong to Qiong Yao. I, Leia merely write the summaries of Hzgg 3 because I had no life. However, for my hard work, I'd really appreciate if you don't copy/paste anything to anywhere. Just link back will do. Thanks =)

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H z g g 3 E p i - S u m

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 40

Unless stated up there, episodes that are not mentioned in the links are unavailable. Volunteers or anyone who have seen the eppies not stated up there are welcome to send me the summaries =) You will be credited!

H z g g S o n g L y r i c s

Zhi Yau You Ni
Tian Shang Ren Jian
Nai He
Zai Zhe Li Bie De Shi Hou

R a n t s O n H z g g

Steal & Die
x Opening 1-20
x First Post xD

H z g g P i c s

Coming soon!

R o y a l S c r o l l

B e i j i n g C i t y

» My Hzgg Fanfic
» Hzgg with English Subs!!! (OMFG)
» Hzgg 1 & 2 Songs + Hzgg 3 Songs
» Forever Hzgg Shrine
» Hzgg 1 & 2: Official Website
» Hzgg 3: Official Website
» Realofme's Hzgg MVs
» AvOdyssey's Hzgg 1/2 Episode Excerpts
» Hzgg 1-3 Episodes (Mandarin subs)
» Hzgg 3: TVB Website
» Av-Odyssey.net
» Roses of Yesterday - Huan Zhu Ge Ge Site

X i e X i e N i

Webmistress, PSP X & Photobuckets

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C o p y r i g h t

Everything in here belongs to me! Steal and your ass will be kicked real bad by Yong Qi. I'm warning ya... Wanna borrow, ask for my permission first.

♥ Copyright © Leiahzgg + 2005-2008 ♥

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+ Hzgg & Its characters belong to Qiang Yao + Copyright © Leia Xiao Yan Zi - 2005-2008 + Steal and you shall die in the most horrible way +